The benefits of family mediation

Family Mediation Week 16-20 January is an opportunity for separating couples to explore the benefits of mediation for resolving issues around finances and arrangements for children.

January usually sees a dramatic rise in the number of parents deciding to live apart as the various pressures that go hand-in-hand with the Christmas period often act as a final straw for relationships.

At such a challenging time, many people are left not knowing which way to turn. Their life-changing decision to separate brings with it so many tough questions.

These can include:

  • Who lives where?
  • Where will the children live, and how will we make sure we each spend time with them?
  • How will we sort money?
  • What about debts and pensions?
  • And even the family dog?

Family Mediation Week is designed to raise awareness of the benefits of family mediation, a process that can help separating couples agree what works best for their specific circumstances. This can help them to avoid the court process with all the stress, delay, and costs, court proceedings can involve.

In its simplest terms, mediation is a process where an independent, professionally trained mediator helps you resolve issues around property, finances, and arrangements for children, enabling you to avoid courtroom confrontation.

At Tisshaws, both Richard and Hana are trained family mediators, able to help you to create long-term solutions for your specific circumstances, rather than leaving it to a court to make decisions for your family.


If you are thinking about divorce and separation, we offer an initial no obligation one-hour appointment for just £50 (incl. VAT), so you can discover the options and issues pertaining to your specific circumstances. To book a consultation please call us on 01444 472700, email us on [email protected] or complete the form below.


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