Cohabitation Awareness Week #ABetterWay

Living together but not married? This week is all about you!

From 27 November 2017 – 1 December 2017 it is Cohabitation Awareness Week, organised by family law organisation Resolution and supported wholeheartedly by the team at Tisshaws.

There are over 3 million cohabiting couples in the UK and many believe that in time they become “common law husband and wife” giving them the same rights on separation as a married couple. Sadly, that isn’t true!

So what’s the problem? Well, if you live with your partner for many years but your home is in their sole name, you may have no claim on that property.  Or if you give up work to have and look after your children whilst your partner continues working and earning, if you split up they will have financial responsibilities towards your children but not to you.

Don’t despair, you don’t have to rush off and get married if you don’t want to! To protect yourselves, you and your partner can enter into a Cohabitation Agreement which sets out what you both wish to happen in the event that you do separate. You may also need a Declaration of Trust if you are purchasing a property together.

If it’s too late for that and you have already separated then it’s important that you take specialist legal advice as soon as possible in order to try and resolve any issues.

For more information do watch Resolution’s short video and please do contact us on 01444 472700 or using the quick contact form if you are affected by any Cohabitation issues.


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