Restrictions lifted on reporting in the family courts

In a move to increase the transparency of the family legal sector and encourage the use of non-court dispute resolution methods, journalists and legal bloggers will be able to report on family court cases in England and Wales from early next year.

The change has been approved by the Ministry of Justice and will come into force from 27th January 2025. Under the new ruling, journalists will be able to request a transparency order to report on court proceedings. They will also have access to key documents and be able to speak to families, if they keep their identities anonymous.

The main advantage is that it will further encourage parties to see going to court as the last resort and increase the uptake of non-court dispute resolution (NCDR) approaches. This involves using methods that include mediation, collaborative law and arbitration to settle family disputes.

Here at Tisshaws we are strongly committed to NCDR as these approaches also have the benefit of saving money, time and stress for those seeking to resolve financial and children matters resulting from family breakdown. Gilva, Richard, Verity and Yasmin are all collaborative lawyers, while Richard, Hana and Lidia are all family mediators. Our main conference room can also be configured to host arbitration hearings.

The transparency rollout will be introduced gradually beginning with public law care cases, then private law and lastly, the magistrates’ courts.


If you are struggling with the impact of divorce and separation, we offer a no obligation initial consultation for a fixed fee of £100 (incl. VAT), for up to one hour. At this meeting, we can advise you on all the issues relating to your personal circumstances, allowing you to make informed decisions moving forward.

To book an appointment please call 01444 472700, email us at [email protected] or complete the form below.

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