Phone: 01444 472705
Email: [email protected]
Verity obtained her undergraduate law degree from the University of East Anglia and then went to BPP Law School in London. She qualified as a solicitor in 2007 and joined Tisshaws as an Associate Solicitor in October 2016, having previously practised primarily in Brighton.
Verity has experience dealing with a wide variety of family issues including divorce and civil partnership breakdown, financial settlements and children matters. She also deals with non-matrimonial relationship breakdown. Verity qualified as a Collaborative practitioner in 2018.
Verity has also recently become a Resolution Accredited Specialist in the fields of Private Children and Complex Financial Remedy cases.
Verity is an active member of Resolution and Chair of the West Sussex regional committee. She is committed to resolving family matters in the most amicable way possible for the benefit of everyone involved. She prides herself on her high level of client care and her ability to help clients achieve a positive, cost effective, outcome to their situation.
Away from the office Verity is kept busy by her young son and also tries to squeeze in as much running as she can.