Specialist Accreditation is a significant achievement which demonstrates Verity’s substantial knowledge and skill.
Verity joins Craig Yeung-Williams who is also a Resolution Accredited Specialist in the same field and Camilla Fusco who is also a Resolution Accredited Specialist in the fields of International Family Law and Private Children.
Gilva Tisshaw also holds the Law Society Family Law Advanced accreditation.
All of our lawyers at Tisshaws are specialist family lawyers and these accreditations confirm our expertise. Whoever you meet when you come to Tisshaws you can be sure that you are receiving not only excellent personalised legal advice but also a high level of client care and consideration.
We know how difficult divorce and separation can be, so we offer an initial one hour fixed fee consultation with a fully qualified lawyer, to help you make an informed decision about how to proceed.
To book, please call 01444 472700 or complete the quick contact form.